Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Irma - CA
Irma - CA
Cow - CA

Irma was used for a sport called "roping" where people chase small cows on horseback to rope them and catch them. The people did not know that she was…

John Lewis Thunderheart - CA
John Lewis Thunderheart - CA
Cow - CA

John Lewis Thunderheart was born in a slaughterhouse. His mom, Love, never made it out. Because of the stress and chaos around them and his mom being…

Athena - CA
Athena - CA
Cow - CA

Athena was rescued from a backyard butcher along with many other animals. They were brought to us by local animal control after it was shut down. She…

Patsy - CA
Patsy - CA
Cow - CA

Patsy (AKA Sunlight) was sent to slaughter pregnant and gave birth as she waited to be killed. In a miraculous act of compassion, the slaughterhouse…

Roy - CA
Roy - CA
Cow - CA

Roy was rescued from a veal farm at only a few weeks old. Taken away from his mom at birth, put into a crate so he could not move, fed inadequately,…

SusieQ - CA
SusieQ - CA
Cow - CA

Susie Q was born at The Gentle Barn shortly after we saved her mom from slaughter in a cruelty case. Unlike her mom Louise, sweet Susie has only known…

Madonna - CA
Madonna - CA
Cow - CA

Madonna was taken away from her mom at birth and chained so she couldn't walk. To make her get into the truck to slaughter she was stabbed with a pitchfork.…

Fiona - CA
Fiona - CA
Cow - CA

Fiona was a tiny baby born to a roping cow mom. She was oblivious to the suffering and stress around her and was innocent and alive. We took her home…

Night Goddess - CA
Night Goddess - CA
Cow - CA

Night Goddess and her mom, Pushpa were rescued with many other cows from a cruelty case in 2008. Her mom was terrified and had seen the worst of humanity,…

Sage - CA
Sage - CA
Cow - CA

Sage and his brother Oliver were born at a dairy where they were taken away from their moms at birth, put in a box where they could not move, and then…

George - CA
George - CA
Cow - CA

George was brought to The Gentle Barn when he was only a few weeks old with his mom, Irma. He was going to be sold and taken from his mom and thankfully…

Joyful Heart - CA
Joyful Heart - CA
Cow - CA

Joyful Heart was born inside a slaughterhouse and she saved her mother's life. In a rare act of compassion the slaughterhouse owner allowed us to save…

Phoenix Rising - CA
Phoenix Rising - CA
Cow - CA

Phoenix Rising was a young cow intended to be impregnated each year so her babies could be sold to slaughter. Because of the Covid 19 pandemic, and…

Ferdinand - CA
Ferdinand - CA
Cow - CA

Ferdinand was brought to us as an orphan at eight weeks old. He was scared, sad, and sick. We all took four hour shifts throughout the day and…

Light - CA
Light - CA
Cow - CA

Light (AKA Pink Lady) was sent to slaughter pregnant and gave birth inside the slaughterhouse. The owner allowed us to have them both and bring them…

Johnny - CA
Johnny - CA
Cow - CA

Johnny was born on a beef ranch and for some reason his mom died when he was still very young and nursing. Thanks to some kind people, he was brought…

Mercy - CA
Mercy - CA
Cow - CA

Mercy was rescued from a veal farm at only a few weeks old. Taken away from his mom at birth, put into a crate so he could not move, fed inadequately,…

Rosita - CA
Rosita - CA
Cow - CA

Rosita was at a slaughterhouse in line to be slaughtered. The entire time she was being prodded to keep moving down the line, she was in labor, and…

Louise - CA
Louise - CA
Cow - CA

Louise was rescued along with many other animals from severe cruelty. She was sick, injured, and very scared when she came home to us. We worked slowly,…

Oliver - CA
Oliver - CA
Cow - CA

Oliver and his brother Sage were born at a dairy where they were taken away from their moms at birth, put in a box where they could not move, and then…

Rumi - CA
Rumi - CA
Cow - CA

Rumi was born at The Gentle Barn just weeks after we saved his mom from slaughter. Unlike his mom, Rumi has only known kindness, safety, family, and…

Gaia - CA
Gaia - CA
Cow - CA

Gaia was rescued from extreme cruelty and only knew the worst of humanity. When she came to The Gentle Barn she was scared and it took a very long time…

Betty - CA
Betty - CA
Cow - CA

Betty was a "beef" cow who was impregnated over and over again and her babies taken away from her each year as she screamed for them. At about eight…

Eugene - CA
Eugene - CA
Cow - CA

Eugene is innocent and completely oblivious of where they were and what almost befell them, but it’ll most likely take a long time for Rosita to recover…

Tia - CA
Tia - CA
Cow - CA

Tia was rescued from a backyard butcher where she was kept in horrendous conditions. She had open sores and was filthy and infested with parasites when…

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