Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Rosita - CA
Rosita - CA
Cow - CA

After having her babies taken from her year after year in the dairy industry, Rosita was ultimately sent to slaughter pregnant. Thankfully she gave…

Roy - CA
Roy - CA
Cow - CA

Roy was one of four calves rescued during an undercover investigation in Texas. The calves were born in a dairy, taken away from their mothers at birth,…

Fiona - CA
Fiona - CA
Cow - CA

Fiona was born at a roping ranch where her mom was chased for sport. Luckily we were able to negotiate the release of Fiona and her mom, Tabitha, and…

Sage - CA
Sage - CA
Cow - CA

Sage was born in the dairy industry, taken away from his mom at birth, and put into a veal crate where he could not move. Sage and another cow, Oliver,…

Crystal - CA
Crystal - CA
Cow - CA

Crystal was one of six calves born at a dairy, taken from their moms, held in veal crates, sent to auction at 8 weeks, and saved by The Gentle Barn…

Marilyn Monroe - CA
Marilyn Monroe - CA
Cow - CA

Marilyn Monroe was kept as a trophy pet for a wealthy man. When the stock market crashed he lost his farm and with it, all his animals. The other animals…

Buttercup - CA
Buttercup - CA
Cow - CA

Buttercup was rescued from extreme cruelty where she had no food, water, or shelter. She was used as a dairy cow so every year she was impregnated,…

Dolly - CA
Dolly - CA
Cow - CA

Dolly was kept outside with little shelter before she came to us, she developed cancer in her eyes from the sun as well as her back. The cancer on her…

Mr. Rojas - CA
Mr. Rojas - CA
Cow - CA

Mr Rojas was rescued from slaughter at a cruelty case where we rescued his mom. The previous owner hid him to sell for Christmas dinner. Because of…

Karma - CA
Karma - CA
Cow - CA

Karma was rescued from a cruelty case many years ago. She cried and cried until we finally realized she was crying for a baby left behind. We…

Star - CA
Star - CA
Cow - CA

Star was part of our very first veal calf rescue years ago. He was taken away from his mom at a day old, put into a veal crate alone, and at eight weeks…

Vegan - CA
Vegan - CA
Cow - CA

Vegan was born blind, on a beef ranch. Ironically, his blindness is what saved him. The farmer's wife fell in love with him and wouldn't let the farmer…

Chance - CA
Chance - CA
Cow - CA

Chance was rescued from a backyard butcher along with many other animals. She had no food, water, or shelter there, and saw many unspeakable things…

Lucy - CA
Lucy - CA
Cow - CA

Lucy was rescued with two other cows from a very wealthy man who had many exotic animals as pets. When he sadly lost everything in the stock market…

Forgiveness - CA
Forgiveness - CA
Cow - CA

Forgiveness was born at a dairy factory farm and taken away from his mom at a day old. He was then put in a veal crate where he could not move…

Grace - CA
Grace - CA
Cow - CA

There are three reasons why animals come to The Gentle Barn: So they can heal and live the life all animals deserve, so they can die in the arms of…

Bob - CA
Bob - CA
Cow - CA

Bob was born to the very cruel dairy industry where he was taken from his mom at birth, put into a…

Valentine - CA
Valentine - CA
Cow - CA

Valentine was actually born at The Gentle Barn a few weeks after we rescued her mom, Tia from an extreme cruelty case. Unlike her mom, Valentine only…

Gentle Ben - CA
Gentle Ben - CA
Cow - CA

Gentle Ben was rescued from a petting zoo that was closing down. After holding still for pats and being kind to all their guests, he was being sent…

King David - CA
King David - CA
Cow - CA

During the first six months of the pandemic, slaughterhouses were shutting down, ranchers were panicking, and animals were being sent to slaughter pregnant…

Amber - CA
Amber - CA
Cow - CA

Along with the wonderful work that we do here at The Gentle Barn, and the joy that comes with restoring new lives and new hope in the animals, comes…

Julian - CA
Julian - CA
Cow - CA

Julian and his mom were rescued from a cruelty case and rushed to the hospital. His mom did not make it, but after months of hospitalization,…

Faith - CA
Faith - CA
Cow - CA

Faith was rescued in 2008 along with five other calves taken from their moms at birth, put into crates so that they could not move, and sent…

Serenity - CA
Serenity - CA
Cow - CA

Serenity was enslaved at the dairy industry where she had many babies taken from her before she herself was sent to slaughter. Luckily we saved her…

Ari - CA
Ari - CA
Cow - CA

Ari was born to a mom imprisoned by the dairy industry. He was taken away from his mom at birth and put into a veal crate where he could not move, had…

Charlie - CA
Charlie - CA
Cow - CA

I wish with all my heart and soul that every cow in the world would have a life like Charlie had. Charlie's life was a fairytale from beginning to end!…

Surprise - CA
Surprise - CA
Cow - CA

Surprise was born unexpectedly at The Gentle Barn months after rescuing his mom from slaughter. Our bovine family encircled Surprise and watched the…

Holy Cow - CA
Holy Cow - CA
Cow - CA

Holy Cow has shown immeasurable resilience in her almost fourteen years of life. She was taken from her mom at birth, stomped so she could not walk,…

Buddha - CA
Buddha - CA
Cow - CA

Buddha is our therapy cow here at The Gentle Barn. When disabled kids come to visit, they gather around Buddha in their wheel chairs and hug her and…

Victory - CA
Victory - CA
Cow - CA

Victory as born inside a slaughterhouse and saved her mother’s life. In a rare act of compassion, the slaughterhouse owner allowed us to have them both…

Aretha - CA
Aretha - CA
Cow - CA

Aretha was raised to be eaten and advertised on Craigslist that she will be delicious. We went undercover and brought her home to The Gentle…

Sponsorship Benefits

When you sponsor an animal for yourself or as a gift, you will receive a Certificate of Sponsorship, which includes your animal friend's bio, and a beautiful photo!

You will also receive monthly updates by email letting you know how your animal friend is doing as well as an updated photo.