Read Gentle Ben's Story (In Memoriam)
Gentle Ben was rescued from a petting zoo that was closing down. After holding still for pats and being kind to all their guests, he was being sent to slaughter. Fortunately we found out and brought him to The Gentle Barn instead. Because Gentle Ben was genetically engineered to grow very big, very fast, so he could be slaughtered at 12 months old, he grew to 3,000 pounds. By the time Ben was 7, he developed mobility issues. We went to great lengths to keep him comfortable. He got weekly massage therapy and acupuncture. He was on anti inflammatory medication and Sun Chlorella. And because of all that, had extra time with us, and lived till 10. The last day however he stopped walking. We brought him shade, water, and food, but after a few hours of not being able to walk at all, we knew it was time to free him from his body. Gentle Ben was ready to transition and is now soaring above us as the sky, shining upon us as the sun, and kissing our cheeks as the wind. He loved his life, knew he was loved and wanted, and thankful for his work with people. We were all so very lucky to have known him!!!