Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Little One - CA
Little One - CA
Dog - CA

Little One was abandoned in our parking lot in the middle of the night. We discovered her in the morning, shaking uncontrollably, freezing cold,…

Lacey - CA
Lacey - CA
Dog - CA

Charlie and Lacey left us this week after having the best year of their life. When we rescued them last year, they were 14 years old and were being…

Spencer - CA
Spencer - CA
Dog - CA

Spencer was rescued along with his sister from the animal shelter on his last day before he was killed. He was the quintessential dog: loyal, intelligent,…

Milo - CA
Milo - CA
Dog - CA

Milo was given to a family for a Christmas present, but they didn’t want him. So they put him in the backyard where he lived alone for 9 years. Finally…

Rover - CA
Rover - CA
Dog - CA

Rover was minutes away from being put down at the shelter when we found her. Shaking at the back of the cage, she would not let anyone get close to…

Socks - CA
Socks - CA
Dog - CA

Socks was about to be euthanized at an animal shelter after being adopted and returned three times because she had so much energy. She could get over…

Dylan - CA
Dylan - CA
Dog - CA

A Solute to a Gentleman

When I first met Dylan he was so handsome that I caught my breath and stared.…

Charlie - CA
Charlie - CA
Dog - CA

Charlie and Lacey left us this week after having the best year of their life. When we rescued them last year, they were 14 years old and were being…

Kaylee - CA
Kaylee - CA
Dog - CA

Kaylee was hit by a car in a bad neighborhood. We scraped her off the street and took her to the hospital. Little did we know that healing her body…

Cybil - CA
Cybil - CA
Dog - CA

A family raised Cybil until she was about a year old, and then moved out of state and abandoned her on the front lawn. She waited for months for them…

Maddie - CA
Maddie - CA
Dog - CA

Maddie was rescued from the streets of Los Angeles where she had lived for years as a feral dog. She ate our of the garbage to survive and staid clear…

Sid - CA
Sid - CA
Dog - CA

Sid and his sister Sam were backyard dogs for 15 years. When they were old and arthritic and incontinent, they were sent to the pound to be put down.…

Annie - CA
Annie - CA
Dog - CA

Annie was rescued from euthanasia at a high kill shelter after being hit by a car and breaking her pelvis. We brought her home and with good vet care,…

Chili - CA
Chili - CA
Dog - CA

Chili was rescued from a very bad East Los Angeles neighborhood where every house had a pure bread Pit Bull tied to a tree, and by the looks of the…

Willy - CA
Willy - CA
Dog - CA

Willy the rottie was rescued from a hoarder. He lived in a cage in a place with 200 other dogs, also in cages. He only knew cold, fear, hunger, and…

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You will also receive monthly updates by email letting you know how your animal friend is doing as well as an updated photo.