Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Read Little One's Story (In Memoriam)

Little One was abandoned in our parking lot in the middle of the night. We discovered her in the morning, shaking uncontrollably, freezing cold, terrified, and beside herself with terror. We very slowly and gently brought her out of her crate, held her in our arms for hours until she stopped shaking and learned that we were safe. It took another two years for Little One to learn how to ride in the car, walk on leash, trust other people, and love life.

Once her past was behind her, we took her to the beach, park, hiking trails, and on many walks around our neighborhood and on our own property. She recovered so completely that the mere mention of the car or the sight of her leash, made her shake with enthusiasm and excitement. She loved meeting new people, sitting on our laps, giving us all kisses, and taking care of us as if we were her own puppies.

Little One was fully grown when we found her and we don’t know exactly how old she was. But we know that she was in her mid to late teens when she passed away of lymphoma. We made sure that she didn’t suffer and that her final days were filled with nurturing, affection, and love. She had done such a great job recovering from her past traumas and embracing life and love, we know that the angels on the other side gave her a standing ovation as she crossed over. We will miss her and remember her always!

Sponsorship Benefits

When you sponsor an animal for yourself or as a gift, you will receive a Certificate of Sponsorship, which includes your animal friend's bio, and a beautiful photo!

You will also receive monthly updates by email letting you know how your animal friend is doing as well as an updated photo.