Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Mario - CA
Mario - CA
Chicken - CA

Mario was going to be euthanized in the animal shelter and we brought him home to The Gentle Barn to be part of our family instead. He quickly became…

Tulip - CA
Tulip - CA
Chicken - CA

Tulip is the longest-living chicken in the history of The Gentle Barn! Chickens typically live between 7 and 10 years, but our beloved Tulip gave us…

Mufasa - CA
Mufasa - CA
Chicken - CA

Mufasa was hatched in a classroom and sent home with one of the students. When he started crowing it became a problem with the neighbors and we were…

Drew - CA
Drew - CA
Chicken - CA

Drew was being sold at a live meat market in China town where people come in, pick which animal they want, and they are "processed" in the back and…

Phoenix - CA
Phoenix - CA
Chicken - CA

Phoenix was one of five chickens rescued from a slaughterhouse. They were left alive and the customers could pick out the one they wanted and then they…

Bella - CA
Bella - CA
Chicken - CA

I am so sorry to say that our dear sweet Bella has passed away. We never know exactly how old chickens are when we rescue them and with the genetic…

Luigi - CA
Luigi - CA
Chicken - CA

Luigi was left at our veterinarian's office because his family could not take care of him. After having him there for months, our veterinarian asked…

Rebecca - CA
Rebecca - CA
Chicken - CA

Rebecca was handed to us over the fence by someone who could no longer care for her. We normally do not intake animals that way but we just so happened…

Eric - CA
Eric - CA
Chicken - CA

Eric was raised to fight. When they noticed that he is a lover not a fighter they were going to eat him. Able to intervene, we brought him home to charm…

Valentina - CA
Valentina - CA
Chicken - CA

Valentina was a Japanese Silky chicken, rescued from the animal shelter just before she was going to be put down. She was way too cute and innocent…

Storm - CA
Storm - CA
Chicken - CA

Storm was raised by a lovely family who adored him. Because of this he grew up kind and affectionate. Because of the economy the family could no longer…

Monique - CA
Monique - CA
Chicken - CA

Monique was rescued from a live meat market along with her sisters. The animals are kept in small, filthy cages, and the customers pick one out and…

Peggy - CA
Peggy - CA
Chicken - CA

Peggy was the most famous and well loved chicken in the history of The Gentle Barn. She was born with only one usable leg and was almost euthanized…

Meep - CA
Meep - CA
Chicken - CA

Meep was brought to The Gentle Barn at only a day old, a tiny ball of yellow fluff. Way too young to be unescorted in the barnyard, we brought him into…

Amber - CA
Amber - CA
Chicken - CA

Amber and her 28 sisters were rescued from a pet store where they were kept in very cramped, dirty conditions. After the customers complained they…

Ginger - CA
Ginger - CA
Chicken - CA

Ginger was rescued from the animal shelter. We don't know why she was brought there, but we are sure glad we found her. She loved talking and had a…

Barnie - CA
Barnie - CA
Chicken - CA

Barnie was not wanted in his home because he is a rooster and cannot not lay eggs. We took him in because we love his song and his rainbow. He will…

Angel - CA
Angel - CA
Chicken - CA

Angel was hatched as part of a classroom project. The birth delighted the children, but once the fascination was over and Angel turned into a big hen,…

Sunrise - CA
Sunrise - CA
Chicken - CA

Sunrise was one of 45 chicks rescued from a crowded, filthy pet store. They all came to The Gentle Barn to live the good life, and one by one pass away…

Sparrow - CA
Sparrow - CA
Chicken - CA

Sparrow and his sisters were being sold at a pet store as babies. They were kept in a small, dark box in cruel conditions. People complained and they…

Eliza - CA
Eliza - CA
Chicken - CA

Eliza was rescued from the animal shelter. Chickens typically live between 7 and 10 years, but Eliza lived with us until eleven years old! She absolutely…

Alex - CA
Alex - CA
Chicken - CA

Alex was saved from a market where people come to pick out animals to be butchered and bought. Living in a filthy cage, watching the animals around…

Finbar - CA
Finbar - CA
Chicken - CA

There was a woman who wanted a female chicken as a pet for her apartment. She ordered one to be delivered to her from an egg company. When she went…

Kahlua - CA
Kahlua - CA
Chicken - CA

Kahlua belonged to a nice family along with other chickens. Tragically, a predator broke into their pen and killed all but Kahlua. We were asked…

Lyra - CA
Lyra - CA
Chicken - CA

Lyra came to us from an animal shelter just before she was supposed to be put down. Someone had impulsively brought Lyra home and got rid of her when…

Zen - CA
Zen - CA
Chicken - CA

Zen was brought to us by a Buddhist temple. They loved him very much, but the neighbors did not. They asked us to take him and care for him, allowing…

Sunshine - CA
Sunshine - CA
Chicken - CA

Sunshine was rescued from a pet store where she and her 29 siblings were crammed in a dark, dirty, crowded cage. After many complaints they released…

Charlie - CA
Charlie - CA
Chicken - CA

Charlie the rooster was rescued from life in a cage. He was incarcerated for so long that his toes were deformed, and his nails curled into his foot.…

Susie - CA
Susie - CA
Chicken - CA

We rescued Susie many years ago when we discovered her and her 29 sisters at a pet store. They were all crammed together in a filthy cage and when customers…

Daisy - CA
Daisy - CA
Chicken - CA

Daisy was one of the original chickens to be rescued by The Gentle Barn. She came along with 30 other chickens who were living in a homeless woman's…

Sarah - CA
Sarah - CA
Chicken - CA

Sarah was wild in our neighborhood, we were never able to find out where she came from. She emerged one day with 15 babies and we knew that if she remained…

Jasmine - CA
Jasmine - CA
Chicken - CA

Jasmine was rescued from someone who was planning to eat her and her family. But when she had deformed toes they brought her to us to help. After a…

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