Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Indie - TN
Indie - TN
Horse - TN

Indie was saved along with our other horses, Chris and Worthy from gross neglect. They were all underweight, malnourished, and terrified of humans.…

Chris - TN
Chris - TN
Horse - TN

Chris was rescued along with our horses, Indie and Worthy from gross neglect. When we rescued them he was underweight, malnourished, had overgrown hooves,…

Moose - MO
Moose - MO
Horse - MO

Moose is a Belgian draft horse who pulled carriages and carts his whole life. At eighteen years old his teeth were uncared for and rotten, making it…

Celeste - CA
Celeste - CA
Horse - CA

Celeste was a wild mustang and was rounded up in 2010 from the plains of Nevada with 170 other horses. Thankfully they all were rescued by Lifesavers…

Danara - CA
Danara - CA
Horse - CA

Before we met her, Danara had two consecutive riding accidents that rendered her lame. She was then put on stall rest for a year, but never healed.…

Marvel the Unicorn - CA
Marvel the Unicorn - CA
Horse - CA

Marvel the Unicorn was saved with 64 other miniature horses from slaughter in Oklahoma. Brought to San Diego by Little hooves Rescue, all found homes…

Ruby - CA
Ruby - CA
Horse - CA

When her human mom passed away from cancer, Ruby was willed to us with her mate, Monty, who has since passed away of old age. Their mom…

Princess Pebble - TN
Princess Pebble - TN
Horse - TN

Princess Pebble was grossly neglected for many years, left alone to wander the neighborhood eating from peoples lawns with no company or proper care.…

Bernard - MO
Bernard - MO
Horse - MO

Bernard was a New York carriage horse, pulling carriages by day around Central Park, and sleeping in a parking garage style barn by night. Walking,…

Hiroka - CA
Hiroka - CA
Horse - CA

Hiroka means bold, beautiful child which describes this angel perfectly. We call her Hero for short because when we rescued her she was skin and bones,…

Worthy - TN
Worthy - TN
Horse - TN

Worthy was born with a deformed leg and was kept by someone who could not afford to feed her, let alone to give her the surgery she needed. She hobbled…

Daisy - TN
Daisy - TN
Horse - TN

When we opened The Gentle Barn Tennessee in Knoxville, Daisy was our landlord's horse and in a pasture just beyond our property line. She was…

Marley - CA
Marley - CA
Horse - CA

We were contacted by a lovely couple in Colorado Springs who asked us to take in their horse. Their Morgan, Marley had a back injury which rendered…

Thor - CA
Thor - CA
Horse - CA

Thor was unwanted because he was lame, unrideable, had Equine Cushings disease, and his medication and treatments were expensive. After a lifetime of…

Bonnie - CA
Bonnie - CA
Horse - CA

Bonnie belonged to a lovely family who was laid off during the pandemic and could not recover financially. We were able to take Bonnie off their hands…

Sponsorship Benefits

When you sponsor an animal for yourself or as a gift, you will receive a Certificate of Sponsorship, which includes your animal friend's bio, and a beautiful photo!

You will also receive monthly updates by email letting you know how your animal friend is doing as well as an updated photo.