Bernard the horse, living in sanctuary at The Gentle Barn California

Bernard was a New York carriage horse, pulling carriages by day around Central Park, and sleeping in a parking garage style barn by night. Walking, standing, and sleeping on concrete takes an enormous toll on the body, and at the stated age of thirteen Bernard went lame. He was then sent to a farm and from there sent to auction to be purchased by the slaughter buyers. Luckily Bernard was saved by an Ohio based rescue, and from there, was brought to The Gentle Barn for rehabilitation, retirement, and care for the rest of his life. New York carriage horses are not typically given the individual care that they need, and Bernard came to us lame, needing dental work, extensive podiatry, acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic to alleviate his mobility issues and discomfort. Bernard is now in great hands and he will get fresh grass to graze, time to play with other companions, grooming each morning, nutritional supplements like Sun Chlorella to boost his immune system, soft bedding, dry shelter, gentle hands, bedtime cookies, and love for the rest of his life. We will bring guests to meet Bernard and share his story in the hopes that one day horses will no longer need to pull carriages for our amusement.