Moose the horse, living in sanctuary at The Gentle Barn California

Moose is a Belgian draft horse who pulled carriages and carts his whole life. At eighteen years old his teeth were uncared for and rotten, making it almost impossible to eat, his hooves were overgrown making it difficult to walk, and his body hurt all over. Instead of getting him the help he needed, his owners brought him to the auction to be sent to slaughter. Thankfully we were able to save him and bring him to The Gentle Barn instead. He spent a week in the hospital receiving extensive dental, podiatry, and bodywork. Now he is enjoying a soft, warm barn at night, sunny, green pastures by day, and of course, bedtime cookies every night. We found a holistic veterinarian who is coming every week to give him acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic treatments. Moose's personality, curiosity, and trust is blossoming more and more every day.
In closing The Gentle Barn Missouri, Moose was moved to our California location along with Bernard, Remington and Chance.