Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Give Thanks, Become a Guardian This Holiday Season!

What is a Turkey Guardian? It’s someone who stands up for turkeys—and supports rescued turkeys living in sanctuary at The Gentle Barn!

When you make a one-time contribution of $35 (or $150 for the flock), you help fund the ongoing care of our rescued turkeys who live at all three Gentle Barn locations and ongoing turkey rescues, along with supporting The Gentle Barn in all of our life-saving work.

As a Turkey Guardian, you’ll receive a special package of THREE digital keepsakes featuring your chosen turkey’s photo. You’ll get a beautiful digital certificate, a printable Thanksgiving table card to share with your loved ones, and two custom graphics- one to proudly share on your social media and a badge to add to your profile picture! Together, we can change the world for these affectionate, intelligent animals!

Become a Guardian


Rescued from Thanksgiving, Joy is a joy to be around in our California barnyard. Just shy of her second birthday, Joy is one of our biggest cuddle turkeys and is always chatting. She chirps all day long and also loves to play in our hair while enjoying a sunny afternoon cuddle. Her favorite snacks are grapes and pumpkins!


Romeo was rescued along with his sisters and brothers when they were found running through neighborhoods and busy streets in St. Louis, Missouri. Because we already had a male turkey in our Missouri sanctuary, we brought Romeo home to our Santa Clarita barnyard and he's been loving life in the California sunshine ever since! This seven-year-old stunner loves being called handsome and dances around visitors. When his wife Brave laid an egg, Romeo loved sitting on it to give her a break, and now he's raising his son Stellar to be a gentleman like him.


Rescued from Thanksgiving, one-and-a-half-year-old Sorina loves snacking on corn, popcorn, and watermelon, cuddling, finding leaves and flowers, and sloshing around in the mud to cool down her feet. She is very social and always busy exploring and having fun. She also loves having a good dust bath and puffing up her feathers to show off for people.


Smudge and her sisters were rescued right down the road from us. Now nearly blind, she loves when people hold her in their arms and sing sweet songs to her. She'll even jump right into our laps! Many visitors are inspired by her and she especially bonds with people who visit with similar disabilities. At seven years old, she enjoys resting in the sun and roosting in bed at the end of each day. Her favorite snacks are corn, blueberries, and pumpkin pie!


Rescued from Thanksgiving, Spirit now loves people around people, especially socializing with guests and falling asleep in our laps while getting cuddles. Her favorite snack is blueberries and loves being fed them. She's a bit of a diva and is always involved in the drama, arguing with the other turkeys and loudly making her opinion heard. Every barnyard needs a diva!


Rescued from a very scary place where he was kept in terrible conditions, Luke Skywalker is now nine years old in sanctuary with us and loves listening to music—he closes his eyes and enjoys it to the depths of his soul. He particularly enjoys the guitar but enjoys piano and violins as well. He rests and listens until the music stops. Besides music, his other great love is snacking on popcorn! He was very scared when he first got here, but now he's the king of the barnyard.


Just like us, every turkey has a unique personality all their own. They have different likes and dislikes, favorite foods, daily routines, favorite nap spots, and friendships that mean so much to them. Some are more chatty like joyful chirpy Joy while others prefer a quiet soothing hug like Smudge. While many like Sorina and Spirit like getting extra cuddles, others prefer marching around the barnyard to get attention, like Romeo and Luke Skywalker. Some turkeys like Smudge and Luke are particularly interested in music. No matter the journey of how they got to our sanctuaries, they've all moved beyond their pasts and embraced life without fear at The Gentle Barn.


Become a Turkey Guardian for Romeo, Sun, Luke Skywalker, Heather, and Smudge, and ALSO get access to a special zoom engagement with the turkeys and the Founders of The Gentle Barn. Donors will be contacted by email with further details.

Rescuing Turkeys Since 1999

Not ready to become a Turkey Guardian? A general donation of any amount is always welcome and goes towards The Gentle Barn, its turkeys and all the animals' needs.