Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
25 Years of Protecting Animals From Danger Like Extreme Heat and Fires!

$28,101 Raised
Days to Go

This year marks our 25th anniversary of rescuing and caring for animals in need, and now, we are putting out a call to action to help us secure the resources we urgently need to protect our sanctuaries for another 25 years. Each year, the extreme heat and wildfire season becomes more dangerous, prompting us to take new action to ensure the safety of our animals. Over the past quarter-century, we have created a safe haven for countless animals, providing them with love, care, and protection, and now, we need your help.

As we celebrate our past achievements, we must also prepare for the future. The heat dome that affected our Missouri and Tennessee locations last year highlighted the severity of our climate crisis and the importance of our proactive measures.

Jemima Puddleduck, takes a much-needed cooling nap by her water bath to beat the summer heat.

Fire remains an imminent threat, exacerbated by the intensifying heat as a catalyst for wildfires. Wildfires spark nearby all the time, and while they don’t always threaten our buildings and lives, the smoke and ash carried by the wind pose significant respiratory risks to our animals. And when a fire does come close to our pastures, we need to have more trucks, trailers, and supplies ready to be able to evacuate our nearly 200 animals fast. We've seen a dramatic increase in fire frequency and intensity across our region in recent years, driven by prolonged droughts and extreme heat waves. On top of the increased risk, the cost of fire insurance has tripled over the last year.

The cows are disoriented from the smoke of a nearby fire

Smoke fills the air from a nearby wildfire

To further safeguard our animals from the intensifying heat, we need:

  • Upgraded misting and sprinkling systems
  • New water baths for chickens, turkeys, peacocks, and other birds
  • Large trees for shading in cow and pig areas
  • Shaders for both cow and horse pastures
  • Tractor for clearing brush, making fire breaks and general purpose needs
To keep cool on blistering hot days, Earl receives water spritzes every 30-60 min

To protect our sanctuaries from the dangers of wildfires, we urgently require:

  • 5,000-gallon water tank, ensuring we have ample water supply in case of an emergency
  • A dedicated water trailer to our healing center to provide immediate hydration and cooling for injured and stressed animals
  • A second water trailer for our main location, allowing us to transport water with us when we need to evacuate from fire
  • Clearing of brush and fire kindling that has accumulated from California’s unusually wet winter, reducing potential fire fuel near our sanctuaries
  • Additional resources to cover the tripled costs of fire insurance, ensuring our sanctuary is adequately protected
  • Upgrading our fire line while also procuring fire hoses for our CA sanctuary
  • A new truck to help us evacuate from fire, fast

The last 25 years have shown a troubling trend of increasing fire and heat risks, and 2024 is shaping up to be one of the most challenging years yet. Join us in this urgent mission. These measures are critical to ensuring the safety and well-being of our animals for the next 25 years and beyond. Your support can make the difference between life and death for the vulnerable animals in our care. Will you join us in protecting vulnerable animals for another 25 years?

Other Ways To Give

Thank you for standing with us by making a donation today to help The Gentle Barn and all of our rescued animals with all the Heat & Fire Care they need.

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