Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Baby Stanley

As an animal communicator, I speak to animals of all kinds around the world who share their feelings, experiences, and needs with me. I speak to many animals who are filled with gratitude for the care and love that they enjoy. I have talked to hundreds of animals who have passed and relay messages and memories to their families full of joy and…

Losing Mothers, Finding Family

Losing Mothers, Finding Family

Animals bond, love, and grieve just like we do, and the loss of a mom for an infant is just as jarring and scarring for animals as for any human. Whether animals…

Love is forever!

As an animal communicator, I have talked to so many animals who can tell me exactly what their people say and do after they are out of their bodies. It has led me to be absolutely…

Celebrating Animal Dads This Father's Day


Fathers are strong, protective, and loyal. Fathers provide for their families and nurture their babies. They solve problems, keep us safe, and make sure we have all that we need. Horse fathers protect their…

Stanley's Story

Stanley the sheepStanley was born a twin and loved very much by his mommy and brother. The agricultural college where…


Jay and I spent a very productive week at our Gentle Barn Missouri location. We let our new turkeys outside for the first time, we took the tags out of The St Louis Six’ ears, and we caught a feral sheep and brought him home. It’s amazing how fast the week went, but we left with a big…

In the Barnyard: May 25, 2017

In California this week, the sheep got sheered. It is so hot, and in their summer wear, they are much cooler and more comfortable. Please come out and see how gorgeous they look!

In Tennessee, Dudley is having trouble with his residual limb again. I think he might have outgrown his prosthesis.…

In the Barnyard: April 27, 2017

Spring brings color, beauty, and song, but it also brings a lot of work for us. There are so many things we must take care of for our rescued animals, such as haircuts for the sheep and llamas, hoof trims for cows, goats and sheep, and tusk trims for our pigs.

This week we started on dentals for…

The Inside Scoop: Kathy

I started volunteering at the Gentle Barn shortly after my mom passed away. I had been taking care of her for about 9 months before she passed. I didn't want to go back to work and I was very lonely. I checked out the Gentle Barn and knew that's where I…

Thumper's Adventures


Almost five years ago, we discovered a backyard butcher who was doing horrible things to animals. We started pulling animals from there (that were literally on the verge of death) and bringing them home to The Gentle Barn to save them. Meanwhile, the authorities were working on making conditions…

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