Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Dudley Gets a New Foot

Dudley had one prosthetic foot which fit him well, however, if it cracked or needed repair, Dudley would have to stay in his stall until it was fixed. Dudley needs to be kept quiet and his residual limb needs to be protected and when he's not wearing his prosthesis. So, for Dudley's birthday,…

Team Dudley


We are now in the most critical time for Dudley, getting his leg used to wearing a prosthesis. If we just put it on all day long, his leg will swell and develop blisters. It needs to be put on and taken off so that his leg adjusts…

Team Dudley


Dudley had a spot on the front of his leg that was rubbing raw and creating a bad fit with his prosthesis. Dr. Anderson from the University of Tennessee took x-rays to see what was going on and saw that Dudley was developing abnormal bone growth in that spot created by his original injury. Dudley…

Team Dudley

Dudley is enjoying his stay in the University of Tennessee Large Animal Hospital. He is getting acupuncture and e stim, gaining weight with high quality hay, and being spoiled with yummy treats. He is trusting people more and more and remains curious and joyful. After hobbling on three legs for ten-months, after several…

Team Dudley


Dudley had his surgery last week and it went very well. They amputated the damaged tissue and bone, and built him a temporary prosthetic. A mold was made of his leg and shipped to the prosthetic company and they are now creating his permanent prosthesis which will arrive in a month.


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