Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

In the Barnyard: April 27, 2017

Spring brings color, beauty, and song, but it also brings a lot of work for us. There are so many things we must take care of for our rescued animals, such as haircuts for the sheep and llamas, hoof trims for cows, goats and sheep, and tusk trims for our pigs.

This week we started on dentals for…

In the Barnyard: March 30, 2017

Our beloved Sassy passed away last night. She went easily and peacefully, but left us in sorrow. The entire Gentle Barn staff and volunteers are in mourning, and I know you loved her as well. How could you not? To know her was to love her!

We rescued Sassy five years ago from an extreme cruelty…

In Loving Memory of Ginger

Ginger was already old when we rescued her four years ago from extreme cruelty. She was very sick when we brought her home and it took months for her to recover. Once she recovered, she learned to trust and have a wonderful fresh start here…

The Inside Scoop: Kathy

I started volunteering at the Gentle Barn shortly after my mom passed away. I had been taking care of her for about 9 months before she passed. I didn't want to go back to work and I was very lonely. I checked out the Gentle Barn and knew that's where I…

Sun Dance


After being taken away from his mom and brought to the animal shelter at a day old, after a month of quarantine, several trips to the veterinary hospital, and countless hours in the care of our staff and volunteers, Sun Dance is finally ready…

Pixie Update

After an extremely involved surgery to remove a tumor on her neck. Pixie is now on the mend. Pixie’s drain was taken out this week and she was brought home from our healing center to our main location. Pixie was so depressed there, that once the drain was removed…

Pixie Pie

Our goat Pixie developed a large growth on her neck, right underneath her chin. It was getting bigger, so we took her to our veterinarian to check it out. He said that it needed to be removed and she should stay over night for surgery. We anxiously waited to…

A Heavy Day's Work

When we rescued thirty animals from a backyard butcher about a year a ago, they were all riddled with parasites, which made them anemic, dehydrated, frail and very sick. It took months for them to recover physically and even longer still emotionally. To ensure…

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