Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other


Ellie with Magic the HorseAs Jay and I are now moving through our own grief, I’m noticing the many different stages of sorrow. When Magic first passed away, the grief was so heavy in my body…

Fathers at The Gentle Barn

Father’s Day is coming, and it is time to let our dads know how much we appreciate their hard work, strength, and love. When I think of a dad, I think of someone who is the provider, the protector, and the hero. Huge hands holding…


Caesar the Horse, Caesar with Jay Weiner

Caesar came to us in the summer of 2003. He was not being cared for very well, and it was Jay’s birthday coming up. Rescuing Caesar in Jay’s honor was a perfect…

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