Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Twenty Years

Ellie & Jay - Early YearsIt feels like a lifetime, and it’s gone by in a blink. I’m so grateful to have served the last 20 years and I am excited to…


This week marks the year anniversary of Dudley’s passing. For many of us, the news of his transition brought pain, tears, and stopped us in our tracks. I remember not being able to stop screaming. I didn’t want a Gentle Barn without Dudley…

We Must Be the Hope

There are 32 million cows slaughtered in America each year. While Dudley had his life with us, 64 million cows had their lives taken from them. Unlike Dudley, none of them had names, or families, or homes. They never played ball, or ate peaches, or had peppermints sent to them from all over the world.…

Dudley and Hope

I’m sorry, I know I’m talking about Dudley incessantly, but honestly that is all I can think of. I dream about him at night. I think about him all day. I alternate between being profoundly sad by the loss of him, and profoundly grateful that…

In the Wake of Despair

I cannot get the image out of my head of Dudley staring at me before he went in for surgery. He looked at me like he was looking right inside of me. His stare penetrated my soul and I could not look away. We sat like that for hours, just Dudley and I, looking into each other’s eyes. He was preparing…

Featured Video: Missing Dudley


Hi you guys. We are pretty inconsolable over here at the loss of Dudley, as I’m sure you are too. Jay and I,…

In the Barnyard: June 22, 2017

We lost the greatest ambassador The Gentle Barn has ever had. His light was so bright, his impact was so great, and his reach was so far that he has left all of us in morning. We will be holding a memorial service for him at The Gentle Barn Tennessee and we will also live stream it for those who are unable to attend.

Ain't no ordinary cow!

The Gentle Barn was my dream since I was seven, but I spent years procrastinating. Even when I discovered an abusive petting zoo and was finally connected to my life's path, I still didn't have the courage to start my dream until…

In the Barnyard: May 25, 2017

In California this week, the sheep got sheered. It is so hot, and in their summer wear, they are much cooler and more comfortable. Please come out and see how gorgeous they look!

In Tennessee, Dudley is having trouble with his residual limb again. I think he might have outgrown his prosthesis.…

Full Circle

We’ve wanted to go national for a while and open Gentle Barns in every state. When planning it out, we thought that it would be best to hit the bigger states first: New York, Illinois, Texas, Oregon, and Colorado. However, during my eighteen years at The Gentle Barn I’m realizing that I’m not…

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