Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Fathers at The Gentle Barn

Father’s Day is coming, and it is time to let our dads know how much we appreciate their hard work, strength, and love. When I think of a dad, I think of someone who is the provider, the protector, and the hero. Huge hands holding…


Many empaths, caregivers, and healers are so great at giving but have a hard time receiving. Many of us feel uncomfortable when even given a compliment. Many of us who have had struggles or challenges in our childhood even believe that we are undeserving of love. Receiving definitely did not come naturally to me and over the years, desperately…

Featured Video: The St. Louis Six Come Home

They're home, they're home, the St. Louis Six are home!!!

Featured Video: The St. Louis Boys Get Names

It was with great pleasure that we announced the new names for the boys on Tuesday, September…

Learning to Trust

Spending the last week with the St. Louis Six, now that they're home, has been an honor and a privilege. Many of their fans and supporters were worried that the transport would be traumatic or set them back, but it actually was quite the opposite. It was the very first time Chico and his…

The Spirit of St. Louis

As I write this I'm sitting on the edge of our pond in Missouri and my heart swells with joy to be creating our third Gentle Barn and making a home for Chico and his brothers. After being raised as objects, sent to their deaths,…

In Missouri

This week Jay and I headed to St Louis, Missouri to create our third Gentle Barn! I am so happy that my little childhood dream, created in my small backyard eighteen years ago, is now in three states. Sometimes I am going through my day and…

Standing on Principle and Saving Lives

When the six cows first escaped the slaughterhouse, we watched with the rest of the nation, speechless. When they were returned to the slaughterhouse, we cried, helpless. When the slaughterhouse offered them up to a sanctuary, we watched, holding our breath, sure that someone local would free them. But… the days passed and no one stepped up. The reason that other sanctuaries would not rescue them…

In the Barnyard: May 18, 2017

Chico and his brothers are safe in a temporary foster home. In the meantime, we found the perfect property in St Louis for them. We put in an offer and it was accepted, but we have been given three weeks to raise the funds and show the seller that we can do this. We are off to a great start and have promises…

Full Circle

We’ve wanted to go national for a while and open Gentle Barns in every state. When planning it out, we thought that it would be best to hit the bigger states first: New York, Illinois, Texas, Oregon, and Colorado. However, during my eighteen years at The Gentle Barn I’m realizing that I’m not…

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