Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Featured Video: CBS Volunteer Week

In 2016, CBS featured The Gentle Barn in their “Volunteer Week” piece that features places people can go to volunteer. “Gentle Barn is a great place to help out if you love animals. Sandra Mitchell reports.” If you’re interested in volunteering, working with our animals, and…

Featured Video: A Pig's Last Day Becomes His First Day

Here is Biscuit when he first came to The Gentle Barn. He was used at a pumpkin patch and after they closed for the season, he was to be sent off to slaughter the next day. Biscuit lived a full and happy with us for almost 11 years. Although Biscuit is no longer with us, his…

Featured Video: Ellie Talks About Biscuit

Here Ellie introduces this gentle giant and talks about pigs and how Biscuit got to be so big. Although Biscuit is no longer with us, his story will live on. We invite you to visit our pigs in California and Tennessee and fall in love!

Featured Video: Smile TV - The Gentle Barn

Smile TV first published this video on Oct 24, 2013. In this video, Ellie and Jay talk about how the animals have changed the lives of the many children and adults who have visited The Gentle Barn. "The Gentle Barn is a wonderful organization that takes in and rehabilitates…

Featured Video: Dudley on The Dodo

Our very own Dudley was featured on The Dodo in "Cow Rescued From Cattle…

Featured Video: Calf Rescue at E6 - part 2

As a followup story to the "Calf Rescue at E6" film, the four baby cows are now completely healed and strong enough to enter the adult herd of cows at The Gentle Barn. A heart warming testament to the power of love and compassion.

Featured Video: Calf Rescue at E6 - part 1

The Gentle Barn teams up with Mercy for Animals during an undercover investigation to rescue four baby cows from senseless torment and a horrifying death.

Featured Video: Prince Charming

The Gentle Barn: White Horse Part One The Gentle Barn rushes to save a beautiful white horse who had been abandoned. This is the story of his rescue and homecoming to the barn.

Featured Video: Lazar

Meet Lazar, the handsome Belgian Draft, twin sister of Zoe, and friend to all.

Featured Video: Bonsai and Addison

Just horsing around! Bonsai and Addison sure know how to kick off the weekend!

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