Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

My Gentle Barn Story - Rebekah

I first heard about the Gentle Barn through a company called the Behavioral Learning Center where a behavioral therapist would come to my house and help me learn how to do everyday things. I told her how much I love animals and she and…

Always Trust Your Instincts

Ellie Laks - Divine Necklace

I had a wonderful experience this morning that reminded me of being a kid all over again. When I was a child there were so many times when I had the impulse to walk down a different path to the…

My Gentle Barn Story - Lisa

Nalla was very special to me. I came to the Gentle Barn for my first time right after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I went to visit the turkeys and Nalla came right up to me. I sat down and she laid with me and wouldn’t leave my…


This week marks the year anniversary of Dudley’s passing. For many of us, the news of his transition brought pain, tears, and stopped us in our tracks. I remember not being able to stop screaming. I didn’t want a Gentle Barn without Dudley…

A Gentle Barn Story

My Gentle Barn story started with my first visit. I originally heard of The Gentle Barn from my brother who at the time was doing community service. I had just recently gone vegan, and I remember leaving The Gentle Barn with…

My Humble Beginnings

If you have read my book, My Gentle Barn, you'll know that I started The Gentle Barn on a half acre backyard, in The San Fernando Valley after visiting an abusive petting zoo and coming home with many of their most decrepit animals.…

Much progress!

Have you heard the extremely exciting news that Kentucky Fried Chicken is launching a vegan meal?! On July 1st they are beginning a test of Vegan Gardein chickn, vegan biscuits, vegan coleslaw, and even redoing their honey mustard dressing…

Tribute to a Gentle Giant

Gentle Ben and Ellie

Gentle Ben was so enormous that he dwarfed even the tallest of men. Even when he was lying down, he seemed intimidating. But the minute we were engulfed by his sweet, Gentle spirit, it was clear that all he had to offer…

Going to Nashville

Ellie at Nashville Property

I am so extremely grateful for all the generosity and support of our GoFundMe Campaign, so we can move our Tennessee…


The most frustrating and simultaneously miraculous thing about life is that we can never predict it. Rarely do things happen the way we plan or expect it to work out, especially where animals are concerned. Sometimes the frailest surprise us with their will to live, and then other times…

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