Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

A Resolution That Matters

Maybelle & Friends

I love New Years, not for the parties, the champagne, or the celebrations, but for the fresh start. A new year is a chance to reflect on the past, keep what works, and set new intentions for what doesn’t. We get to improve on our finances, our mental health, and our physical wellbeing. We get to set goals and ambitions for the coming year. I think we should always be assessing ourselves and our lives, but we often get busy, distracted, and focused on other things. Thank goodness for New Year so we can remember.

Each year Jay and I set intentions for ourselves, our family, and The Gentle Barn. We started off 2022 with the birth of our very first grandson and are thrilled! We want to spend more quality time with our kids and of course, wish them health and happiness. I will be publishing my next memoir about Cow Hug Therapy, a younger reader’s chapter book series, and oracle cards with messages from our animals. Jay hopes to finally publish his vegan cookbook. I want to do more animal communications. And Jay and I want to teach more people how to open their own sanctuaries in our Finding Sanctuary 101 course. At The Gentle Barn, we are looking forward to saving more animals who have nowhere else to go, and connecting them with people who come looking for hope.

If we were to combine all of our hopes and dreams into one common goal, it would be to create a gentle vegan world where no one suffers and where we all live in harmony together. No matter how many animals we rescue in 2022, the mass suffering of animals will still continue. But with each person who adopts a plant-based diet, the suffering decreases and we move steadily towards a peaceful world. That’s where you come in, you can help us create that world! If you are not vegan already, would you please consider it now?! When each of us goes vegan we save 200 animals and an acre of trees every year, 1,100 gallons of water a day, and we decrease our own risk of western disease by ninety percent. That is a huge impact that we all can make right now!

During these uncertain times this is the place to be donating. A general donation to The Gentle Barn supports the organization in all aspects.

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Please consider making this a recurring donation.

Making more money and losing weight are good new year’s resolutions, but it doesn’t compare to the resolution of going vegan which saves lives, heals our bodies, and protects the environment. It is a resolution that will impact not only ourselves, our families, and future generations, but it is the very thing our lives depend on. Please consider making the best new year’s resolution of all time, go vegan! If you need motivation, follow our animals on The Gentle Barn social media or come visit a Gentle Barn nearest you. Please let us know how we can help you on your journey too gentleness.

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