Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other



Every Mother’s Day I get more and more resolved to help animals, tell their stories, and make an impact towards peace on this planet for all of us. I am in love with my kids and am so grateful to know them, love them, and be their mom. Time with them is so important and I cherish whatever plans they might have for Mother’s Day. But there is such a huge part of my heart and soul that is thinking about all the mothers out there whose babies are stolen, and they never get to be moms. As we hold, nurse, raise, teach, and enjoy our babies, there are millions out there who are impregnated each year, but sadly never get to know their children.

The meat, dairy, and egg industries are built on the backs of mothers! In the meat industry mothers are impregnated every year, their babies are taken to slaughter as they scream for mercy, and the moms are impregnated again and again and again. The only way a cow can have milk is if she has a baby, it is breast milk just like in any other mammal. Thousands of cows are impregnated, their babies taken away at birth, and the milk stolen for humans to drink. The moms cry for the babies on deaf ears. In the egg industry chickens are kept in cages as they lay eggs for people to have for breakfast, instead of in their nests to turn into their babies. Even the honey that we enjoy, is food made for baby bee larvae.

Animals have the same dreams for their babies as we do. And they love their babies just like we do! The animals at The Gentle Barn have proven that over and over again. The cows that we rescue pregnant nurse their babies for four or five years. They graze, eat, and meditate together for their entire lives. Our pig Menorah still puts her babies to bed each night with a kiss, and spends time with each of them every day, even though they are getting so big. And all our moms regardless of the species, cries, and panics when they cannot see their babies or don’t know where they are. They are connected to their children as we are, worry about them like we do, and want the best for them just like us.

So, when we see someone suffering, isn’t it our responsibility to stand in solidarity with them?! And if we love being mothers, having mothers, or even considering motherhood, shouldn’t we stand in solidarity with anyone who does not have that simple right and freedom?! This Mother’s Day I am calling on you to stand up for those who can’t, be the voice for those who haven’t one, and create justice for those who are nameless and forgotten by going vegan. And if you are already, share this blog with someone who might not be.

Happy Mother’s Day! I’ll be squeezing our animal mothers tight and praying hard that there may be peace for every living being!

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