Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other


Our miniature horse Bonsai has been in and out of the hospital now for about three months. Initially, he had a very painful impaction and over time caused an infection in his intestines. This took a very long time to heal. Horses have bacteria in their gut, including salmonella, which is dormant when they’re healthy and strong, but when they have an elongated illness that bacteria can take over. Bonsai was diagnosed with salmonella last week, which has caused a lack of appetite, severe diarrhea, and extreme weight loss. There is no way to directly treat the salmonella, however with supportive care, like Sun Chlorella, acupuncture, massage therapy, energy work, fluids, tube feeding, probiotics, daily visits and love, and great vet care, Bonsai is finally getting better, slowly.

There was a time where Bonsai had lost so much weight, was so uncomfortable, and was feeling so weak, that I was wondering if he had had enough and wanted to transition...

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