Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

Lucy was rescued with two other cows from a very wealthy man who had many exotic animals as pets. When he sadly lost everything in the stock market crash in 2007, all his animals were sold. But the cows were going to go to slaughter. His staff thought that unfair and called us to give them a forever home. The first time I met Lucy I could not believe how small and adorable she was, instantly falling in love with her pink nose, fuzzy ears, and long eyelashes. To me, she looked like a magical creature, smelled like a teddy bear, and felt like an angel in my arms. As she followed behind me onto the trailer with so much innocence, I vowed right there and then to take the absolute best care...

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