Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

In the Barnyard: June 29, 2017

In California, it was blisteringly hot and the animals spent the week splashing in the pool, being hosed off, or putting their feet in water to cool off. There was a brush fire that did not affect us, but we deployed trucks and trailers to help evacuate other people’s animals. Thankfully,…

In the Wake of Despair

I cannot get the image out of my head of Dudley staring at me before he went in for surgery. He looked at me like he was looking right inside of me. His stare penetrated my soul and I could not look away. We sat like that for hours, just Dudley and I, looking into each other’s eyes. He was preparing…

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