Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

In the Barnyard: June 1, 2017

Our pot bellied piggies have moved out of the barn and into their summer home, where they have their swimming pool and lots of access to fresh air on the long, hot, summer days. They sleep most of the time but around lunch time they wake up…

Standing on Principle and Saving Lives

When the six cows first escaped the slaughterhouse, we watched with the rest of the nation, speechless. When they were returned to the slaughterhouse, we cried, helpless. When the slaughterhouse offered them up to a sanctuary, we watched, holding our breath, sure that someone local would free them. But… the days passed and no one stepped up. The reason that other sanctuaries would not rescue them…

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