Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

In the Barnyard: May 4, 2017

Male pigs have tusks and they can grow quite long and become quite sharp. To ensure that they don’t hurt themselves or anyone else by accident, we trim our pigs’ tusks each spring. We also trim their hooves. Our wonderful veterinarian, Dr. Molnar, came out this week to do dentals and pedicures…

Whisper Sweet Nothings

Whisper turned twenty-one this week! She has one of the most horrific stories of abuse and one of the most powerful stories of recovery in Gentle Barn history. She was originally a trail horse, but was given to a rancher who used her to round…

Featured Video: Morning with the Gentle Barn Dogs

It's so hard to get out of the bed in the morning! Little One, Bingo, Lakota, and Socks are just too adorable, I want to stay with them all day! Look how happy Little One is!

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