Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Featured Video: Ellie Talks About Biscuit

Here Ellie introduces this gentle giant and talks about pigs and how Biscuit got to be so big. Although Biscuit is no longer with us, his story will live on. We invite you to visit our pigs in California and Tennessee and fall in love!

Please Help Us Help the St. Louis Cows

Help Us Help the St. Louis Cows

I just came home absolutely exhausted from our turkey road trip. Leaving Adeline in Tennessee was excruciating! I've loved her for two years, but over the last ten days we've bonded so deeply. It's not about me, however, it's about Adeline. She's happy on the grass with all…

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