Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Who We Are in the Face of Darkness

All of us at The Gentle Barn are mourning the tragedy in Orlando this week. We are carrying all the victims, the survivors, their families, and the community in our hearts. I don't know what's more horrifying: the fear, pain, and loss of the victims or the hatred and viciousness of the perpetrator. That kind of bigotry needs immediate healing and we at The Gentle Barn will work hard to plant love, compassion, and gentleness in the hearts of our future generations.

There is very little we can do in the face of terrorist attacks like these, other than send out love and pray, but I believe we are all perpetrators of some kind of small-mindedness or resistance in much smaller degrees. The key to peace is to use this as an opportunity to find the blocks, walls, and resistance inside of ourselves and open our own hearts more to love. Where do we judge others? To whom can we be more loving? Are we against some religions? Are we against certain people getting married? Do we love people but not animals? So we love animals more than people? Do we love some animals and eat others? Where can we bring more compassion? Peace must start with ourselves!

At The Gentle Barn we work tirelessly every day to create more love for animals, for people, and for Mother Earth. Even in the face of this tragedy and all the troubles of our times, I still remain hopeful that we can have a gentle world. People are opening their hearts everyday. Hunters are relinquishing their weapons, we now have marriage equality in this country, and thousands of people are adopting a plant based diet everyday. I believe we can do this, when we stop pointing the finger and we figure out how we can be more positive, more kind, and more thoughtful where we are, in our homes and communities, in our own lives. It starts with us!

Maybe each of us can use this terrible tragedy to examine how we can love more, give more, how we can be more thoughtful, and then put it into practice, now!

Ellie Laks-Weiner
The Gentle Barn

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  • Thermal Horizon - Windsong Retreat (Spring 2024)

    May 4th 2024 - The Gentle Barn California

    Let’s come together as a community as we support The Gentle Barn in their endeavor to enrich the lives of abused animals worldwide. Let’s bring our loving hearts, the spirit of opportunity and fill our cups emotionally, spiritually, and physically as we celebrate unity in community by helping these wonderful support animals.

  • Chakra Meditation and Sound Healing (Spring 2024)

    May 18th 2024 - The Gentle Barn California

    Clear, Balance and Align your 7 main Chakras through guided meditation, chanting, and Integrative sound bath. When your chakras are aligned, the energy moves through you more freely, and you can feel in harmony with all aspects of your physical, emotional and spiritual self.

  • Open Sunday in Missouri

    We are excited to be open to the public again on Sunday, at The Gentle Barn: Missouri.

  • Open Sunday in California

    We are excited to be open to the public again on Sunday, at The Gentle Barn: California.

  • Open Sunday in Tennessee

    We are excited to be open to the public again on Sunday, at The Gentle Barn: Tennessee.