Posted on May 20, 2016
By Ellie Laks, Founder of The Gentle Barn
Because Dolly was kept outside with little shelter before she came to us, she developed cancer in her eyes from the sun as well as her back. The cancer on her back had been healing beautifully, but her eyes have been getting steadily worse. We had our vet come out and take a biopsy of the cancer to see if there was anything we could do for her. The results showed that there was no treatment for it, and if we removed it, it would grow back very quickly.
Dolly's other eye, all of a sudden, would not open. We had the vet come back out to take a look. The exam showed that inside her eye, the cancer had taken over and made it impossible for the eye to function or open. The cancer was now in her head and was causing her headaches and pain. The vet said there was nothing more we could do for her. Because she was suffering, the only thing we could do to help Dolly was to gently help her out of her body so she could go home and be free.
Dolly slipped away easily and happily. I'm thinking she was very grateful to not be in her failing body anymore. Dolly's warm, soft hugs will be sorely missed. We will always remember her fuzzy ears, pink nose, and determined personality. Dolly passed away at the age of eighteen, and inspired many at risk and special needs children to know they were loveable!