Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

The Inside Scoop: Dianne in Tennessee

I began following The Gentle Barn in 2011. I fell in love with all the animals, and I learned all their stories. Ellie became my new hero, and I admired her immensely. She was living her life the way I'd always dreamed of living mine. I grew up with chickens, rabbits, rats, birds, crabs, fish, dogs,…

Finding Grace

Before we rescued her, Grace was crippled by a large bull and could not walk. She had a broken pelvis and could only drag herself by her elbows. After months of trying to get her to stand, the agricultural school was going to send her to auction when we intervened and brought her home instead.…

The Inside Scoop: Sara in California

My first visit to The Gentle Barn was about a year ago after a move to California from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I had been vegan for a number of years and like many others, was a huge fan of The Gentle Barn on Facebook. It wasn’t until I was able to visit, however, that I saw the true impact…

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