Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

The Inside Scoop: Megan in California

When I first started to volunteer at the Gentle Barn, I did it to just try it out. I originally didn't have a certain animal I wanted to work with, but after a few weeks of volunteering, I found my love for goats. I continue to volunteer for…

The Inside Scoop: Kellen in Tennessee

Like many of the volunteers at the Gentle Barn Tennessee, I was a fan of the Gentle Barn in California before I ever dreamed that there would be a location opened in Knoxville. I was touched by the stories of the animals who found sanctuary at…

Christmas Gifts

Five years ago we were given 250 toys left over in a warehouse just before Christmas. At The Gentle Barn we host children living in the projects in South Central Los Angeles who have so little. Thinking of them we loaded all the toys into the back of the Gentle Barn pickup truck and drove…

Leaving the Nest

It's official: Jasmine is now a big girl chicken and is sleeping with the other birds in the barn.

Jasmine was born with crooked toes and could not walk. When we were asked to help, we brought her to our avian specialist and after a week in the hospital her toes were straightened…

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