Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

A Visit From Buda


We had an interesting week: On Monday we woke to find a beautiful dog chained to our front gate with a note. The note read, "Hi, my name is Buda. I am a 4-year-old American Staffordshire. My father adopted me 4 years ago and loved…

Pixie Update

After an extremely involved surgery to remove a tumor on her neck. Pixie is now on the mend. Pixie’s drain was taken out this week and she was brought home from our healing center to our main location. Pixie was so depressed there, that once the drain was removed…

Oh Rats

Last Sunday we had some very special visitors. A woman came to meet me and when I went to hug her, she stopped me and explained that there were rats in her collar. At second glance, I saw that there were three lumps around her neck. I asked if I could meet…

Pixie Pie

Our goat Pixie developed a large growth on her neck, right underneath her chin. It was getting bigger, so we took her to our veterinarian to check it out. He said that it needed to be removed and she should stay over night for surgery. We anxiously waited to…

A Great Group

This week, we hosted a wonderful group of children from South Central Los Angeles, brought to us by the Los Angeles Police Department. Many of these kids came from broken homes where they know, all too well, what it feels like to be separated from family…

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