Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Celebrity Visits

This week we were visited by two beautiful actresses, Denise Richards (left) and Beth Behrs (right), who spent the day giving pigs tummy rubs, feeding…

Amazing Girls

These girls are amazing! Every Christmas they sell mistletoe to passersby on Wakefield Court, affectionately known to locals during December as Wakefield Winter Wonderland, here in Santa Clarita.

All the funds raised are then donated to The Gentle Barn…

Happy Birthday Ellie Laks and Ellen DeGeneres

It seems like no coincidence that these two women have their birthdays on the same day! Please join me in wishing our Founder Ellie Laks and Ellen Degeneres a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We are so grateful to Ellen and The…

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