Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

King of the Barn

Did you know that our llama, King Duke, loves bananas? He likes other treats too, like snap peas, apples, grapes and greens, but bananas are his all time favorite. Every evening when we say good night to the animals, King runs to us and looks deeply into our eyes asking…


These babies were taken away from their mom when they were only a few weeks old. The stress and fear weakened their immune systems leaving them susceptible to Parvo at the pound. We helped them get well with Sun Chlorella Algae Super Food, sub Q fluids and lots of love and holding.

A Gentle Barn Success Story

Remember this pug who was left for dead after a coyote attack? After two extensive surgeries and many days in the hospital he survived. He had to be kept quiet and calm for several weeks so the stitches would hold and the wound would stay sterile. He finally got his stitches removed last week and is in his forever home,…

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