Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other


We have worked so hard to nurse these babies back to health from Parvo and they are now healthy and playful and full of life. It has been a hard work of sub Q fluids, cleaning poo,…

Thanksgiving Kitten

The kitten who was thrown over our fence the day before Thanksgiving was adopted by a lovely family who just adores her. She will get lots of attention and great care and she will never be abandoned again. We love happy endings around here.

Rakki (pronounced Rah-Kee) is Lucky

The pug who was found torn open by coyotes is recovering very nicely from surgery. He is in a foster home and eating and drinking like a champ. His stitches are mending and he is even starting to smile again. We are doing everything in our power to find his family, but if we are not able to by next week we will be putting…

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