Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Read Nigel's Story (In Memoriam)

Nigel was a very elegant, proud, protective, intelligent, and fierce force of nature that we found on the side of the road. He was brought to The Gentle Barn, and became one of our kings, watching over the ladies, protecting their Barnyard, and making us all laugh with his larger than life personality. He passed suddenly and for reasons that we still don’t understand, but we are grateful to have known him and had him at The Gentle Barn and will remember him always.

Sponsorship Benefits

When you sponsor an animal for yourself or as a gift, you will receive a Certificate of Sponsorship, which includes your animal friend's bio, and a beautiful photo!

You will also receive monthly updates by email letting you know how your animal friend is doing as well as an updated photo.