Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Read Fleecewood Mac's Story (In Memoriam)

Fleecewood Mac came to us along with nine other lambs. They were at auction, bound for slaughter, and we were able to bring them home to The Gentle Barn instead. Mac was the smallest, weakest, and most malnourished of the group. He was also riddled with parasites and resistant to all medical treatments. We had several vets who recommended euthanizing him, but we just could not give up on him, so we turned to natural remedies instead. We used several different natural parasite treatments from all over the world, including treating the ground itself. It took a while, but, eventually, it worked. Mac was finally parasite-free! He was able to play, run, eat alongside his brothers, and learn to trust humans. He became one of our most cuddly sheep. He loved scratches on his head, neck, and shoulders. He loved to sit next to us quietly when we read out loud to him. And he finally had a normal, healthy, and loving life.

In the end, Mac contracted a bacterial infection that because of his prior illnesses caused swelling in his brain and the malfunctioning of his organs. We lost him too young, but we are grateful that we got to name him, love him, feed him bedtime cookies, sing to him, read out loud to him, and watch him graze for hours and gallop around playing with his brothers. He had the best life imaginable instead of being butchered at the slaughterhouse, and for that, we can only be thankful!

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