Dottie Ann the pig, living in sanctuary at The Gentle Barn Tennessee

Our animal care staff was alerted to a situation involving this potbelly pig and her tiny baby roaming around the local gas station near a busy road. Our staff quickly came to the rescue and were able to get the pigs to safety. Their owners came forward and we were able to bring them back to their property. When doing so, we discovered the pigs had escaped their enclosure that was not properly secured and not prepared for the cold weather. With the extreme Missouri winter, we knew we had to step in fast. We worked with the family to provide proper food, shelter, straw, and blankets to help the pigs through the winter. As spring began, the family quickly became overwhelmed with the cost and care needed for the pigs. We worked hard to build a relationship with our neighbors, as helping the people and animals in our community is an important part of The Gentle Barn's mission. After realizing the mounting financial and physical cost of caring for these pigs was too much, we were able to take in mom and baby boy. We got them spayed and neutered right away and brought them home to The Gentle Barn. Now, the two can live peacefully together at The Gentle Barn where they can count on us to provide the very best food, veterinary care, safety, love, and cookies of course- for the rest of their lives.