Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

A Mothers Love

Mothers are strong, resilient, persevering, and put others first. Mothers are nurturing, loving, empathetic, and warm. Mothers will give their hearts to their children and sacrifice their own lives to defend them. Mothers overcome the pain of childbirth, the sleepless nights of early…

Mother’s Day

Betty & JoyfulPushed off the truck with hundreds of other cows, shoved through to a holding pen. It is noisy, smells foul, and we hear the agonizing cries of other cows in the distance. We know we are defenseless, with no one to help…

The Goose Spirit Animal

Our Mother Earth

When you look at each and every problem on our planet closely, you will find that the cause of every one of them starts with eating animals, and the solutions start with going vegan! It is animal…

Socks - An Honor and a Privilege

Thank you for being a part of Socks' story with me. The Gentle Barn is so grateful for your support and interest. Please consider a General Donation in honor of Socks and all the dogs in our lives that have made life so much more meaningful. ~Ellie


Karma - Our Cow MatriarchHorses, cows, and pigs live in a matriarchal society. It is typically the smallest, oldest, and mightiest female that will lead the family to safety, food, and water. She will nurture the…


Love is Love - Animals In Embrace

February brings Valentine’s Day and with it, flowers, romance, and great appreciation for our loved ones. I will definitely be spending some special time with Jay and adoring…

Dealing With Change

KarmaYears ago, one of our wise mother cows, Witness prepared to make her transition. The entire cow family gathered around her and took turns stepping forward, laying their heads on her side to pay their respects. Once the entire family said their goodbyes, they…

A Thousand Reasons

Ellie Laks & Adeline The Turkey

With the fires, evacuations, and deep concern for our oldest animals came lack of sleep, missed meals, fatigue, stress, the flu, and in the end, a three day hospital stay; it…

The Greatest Movement In History

Boy In Gentle Barn Garden with Vegetables

In the style of the late Harvey Milk, my name is Ellie Laks and I want to recruit you! I’d like you to join me in the greatest movement in history! The atrocities…

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