Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

In the Barnyard: February 23, 2017

Zeus was acting strange the other night, not eating and acting lethargic. So, we got our vet out right away and upon examining him she said he might have had a stroke. His lungs and heart sounded strong and clear, he seemed absolutely fine the next day, and there were no residual neurological…

We Are All So Beautiful!

This week, Magic recovered nicely in the hospital after his Epiploic Foramen entrapment surgery and came home. Before Magic came home, Jay and I visited him in the hospital every day so he would know he was loved and special to us, and stay strong. On one of our evening trips to the hospital,…

Featured Video: Worthy's Story

Worthy was born with a deformed leg and was kept by someone who could not afford to feed her, let alone give her the surgery she needed. She hobbled along for a year and was grossly underweight and malnourished…

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