Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Inside Scoop: Kynnede in Tennessee

From a very young age I have always loved animals and I knew that I wanted to help them. I was always that one person who would help stray animals and one time I saw a dog walking on the side of the road and I started crying because I couldn't…

Inside Scoop: Krista in California

I, like many others, have longed for and dreamed of animal liberation. I have been vegetarian for over a decade now and as of the last couple of years, have committed to being vegan. But I have always wanted to do more. I wanted to take…

Who’s Saving Who?

Little One is really coming out of her shell! She’s following me around wherever I go, she sleeps in my arms all night, and she is starting to smile, wag her tail, and play with the other dogs. She barks and howls with the other…

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