Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Inside Scoop: Andrea in Tennessee

One year ago today my life changed completely. I was given the opportunity to work for an organization who I had admired for so long for all the love and light it puts into this world. The Gentle Barn Tennessee has taught me to slow down and appreciate…

Inside Scoop: Susanne in California

As a long time vegan I have always been very interested in animal rights and welfare and of course, like so many of us, my dream is to have my own animal sanctuary one day. Will that ever happen? Who knows... I wouldn't know where to start.


Trusting Instincts

I was supposed to go to Tennessee on Tuesday and while I was packing my suit case in the morning, my ten-year-old daughter woke up crying of a headache. I kissed her forehead and it was burning up so I took her temperature. It was 102.5. After a bath to lower her fever and Sun Chlorella to boost…

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