Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

In Loving Memory of Ginger

Ginger was already old when we rescued her four years ago from extreme cruelty. She was very sick when we brought her home and it took months for her to recover. Once she recovered, she learned to trust and have a wonderful fresh start here…

In Loving Memory of Dolly

Because Dolly was kept outside with little shelter before she came to us, she developed cancer in her eyes from the sun as well as her back. The cancer on her back had been healing beautifully, but her eyes have been getting steadily worse. We had…

In Loving Memory of Grace

There are three reasons why animals come to The Gentle Barn: so they can heal and live the life all animals deserve, so they can die in the arms of someone who loves them with dignity and respect, or so they can learn a life lesson. Just like…

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