Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

A Gentle Thanksgiving Poem

A Gentle Thanksgiving
a poem by KC and Val Smith

To all the young turkeys, we wish to welcome you
To the Gentle Barn where your lives will start new!

A Gentle Thanksgiving Poem
Read The Whole Story!

A Turkey Helps A Girl Find Her Song

I can’t celebrate Thanksgiving without remembering a very special turkey who not only stole my heart but effected so many people in her lifetime. Chloe was rescued from Thanksgiving many years ago, but I will never forget her. Here is a story of one of the many remarkable things Chloe…

My Life as a Momma Hen, Week Twelve

When we first brought Jasmine home, I was with her for the first 4 weeks and she went with me wherever I went. She slept in bed with me, rode in the car with me, brought my daughter to dance class, and ran all my errands with me. She sat in my lap while I worked and followed me all around the house. She was never alone; we bonded…

Gentle Barn Concerns for our Health

We have had Gentle Barn concerns for our health for the last sixteen years as we have observed people's meat intake increase right along with the rise in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and dementia. Watching the obesity rate elevate with the…

The Inside Scoop: Ally Hanshaw

It's Never Too Late for a Second Chance

Everyone will reach a moment in their lives when they feel like they are completely alone and they want to give up on everything. But just because you feel this way…

The Gentle Barn and Alicia Silverstone

Actress, Alicia Silverstone wrote about The Gentle Barn in her blog, The Kind Life, Sanctuary Spotlight. Thank you Alicia!…

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