Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other



I hosted a group of teenage foster kids at the barn this week. They were pretty shut down and uninterested at first, as most teens are that come to the Gentle Barn. I asked them to have a seat at the picnic tables in the shade and everyone…

Jesse is a Hero


In January 2008, we rescued over 200 dogs from a hoarder that were left for dead in a never-ending sea of cages. Many of them were either injured or sick. We had 24 puppies who had Parvo and upon examining the weakest one, the vet said that we should just put all of…

Happily Ever After in Ohio


About four years ago, there was a pound in Ohio that was keeping the dogs outside in the snow during the winter. The dogs were getting very sick and after a public outcry the authorities in charge decided to euthanize all the dogs…

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