Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

"My Gentle Barn"

The best part about "My Gentle Barn" is hearing from people from all over the world about what they think of the book, how they love animals, and about the animals in their life.

This is an email from Bonnie in New York:
“Nelson and I were so taken with the stories of rescue, hope, and selflessness…

Charlie and Lacey: One Year Later!

Charlie and Lacey were rescued a year ago this month and are doing so well! After living outdoors for 14 years, they are finally in a home where they are loved and adored.

Their therapy continues to support them and enable them to walk and be pain free. They love going for walks and adventures…

Anniversary of the Backyard Butcher

The month of April marks the 2nd anniversary of the rescue of many animals from a backyard butcher in Santa Clarita, CA. There was a place not too far from The Gentle Barn that was raising animals to slaughter and sell the meat to the community. The animals were abused, diseased, and kept in filthy conditions,…

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