Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other


Milo was left alone in a backyard for nine whole years because his people got him as a gift and didn’t want him. When the couple got divorced, Milo was going to be sent to the pound but we found out just in time and brought him home to The Gentle Barn to be part of our family instead. Because he was left alone…

Worthy, Indie and Chris Update!

Worthy, Indie and Chris are doing great in Kentucky. The snow has finally melted, the grass is finally turning green and the sun is shining. Their winter coats are shedding and they are happy outside, playing and being together.

We want to keep the horses close to Rood and Riddle, the vet hospital…

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